Friday, October 31, 2008

the mobile has taken over the role of a cyber café

These days, the mobile has taken over the role of a cyber café thus, facilitating the users. SMS has in a way revolutionised the era of talking on phone. People now constantly involve themselves in sending SMS due to its high affordability. In fact, exchanging SMS has added the zing to the mobile usage.Gone are those days when willing to chat, two people had to search for a cyber café so as to get involved in long chats with each other. Its quite evident that some messages are conveyed better through written text as compared to verbally conveying them. Sending SMS has proved to be a better way to convey one’s love and care to a person sitting miles away from him. People can find several pre composed messages imparting love and care available on numerous web sites. One can choose from them according to his choice and the occasion. He can customize these messages as well or compose his own so as to retain originality in his views.

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